Kill Gnomes with small loot sack icons and win the battle against the enemy to earn extra rewards.
Gnomes are very rare Troops that can appear randomly in most game modes. Gnomes will have a 50% chance to run away if their Mana is full and their Spell is cast - Kill them before they run away! There are Treasure, Glory, Pet and Jewel Gnomes.
For information on Vault Events and the Gnome Vault go here.
For information on Gnome-a-Palooza go here.
How to find a Gnome
You don't need to unlock Gnomes as they have a very small chance to spawn into battles including:
- Quest
- Explore
- PvP
- Pet Gnomes only appear in PVP (including ranked PVP, casual and Arena)
- Challenges
- Arena
Gnomes should not spawn in other battles such as Guild Wars and Training Battles. When they appear they will replace another Troop card in the battle.
TIP: During Vault Events there is an increased chance for Gnomes to spawn into battles.
What do Gnomes look like?
An NPC Treasure Gnome that drops special rewards will have a loot sack icon in the corner of a card. If the Gnome does not have a loot sack it is a normal Troop card collected on an enemy player's team. Each different type of gnome has a different card.
Collectable Treasure Gnome vs NPC Treasure Gnome
Types of Gnomes and Gnome rewards
Each Gnome killed has a chance to drop a reward (indicated with the loot sack at the end of a battle) as well as a very, very rare chance to earn a Vault Key (and a smaller chance it will be an Epic Vault Key). The Gnome must be killed and the battle won to earn the rewards.
From each Gnome, you can earn different rewards. Some share the same rewards but you can earn higher quantities with them. Each Gnome can give you:
- Treasure Gnome
- Souls, Gold, Glory, Keys, Diamonds, Vault Keys, Traitstones
Pet Gnomes
- Trigger a 1 hour Pet Rescue for your Guild
- Glory Gnome
- Gives more Glory than Treasure Gnomes, also drops Vault Keys
- Soul Gnome
- Drops Souls or Vault Keys with a higher chance of earning a Vault Key than a Pet Gnome
- Jewel Gnome
- Drops Jewels, Diamonds, Shards or a Vault Key
- Mech Gnome
- Drops Ingots and Vault Keys
- Daemon Gnome
- Drops Chaos Shards and Vault Keys
Mana Surge Gnomes (Cindi Savagelips, Freddi Fretfiddler, Hoagi Humbucker and Baz Bonebeater)
- Drops Verses
- Cursed Gnomes
- Drops Cursed Runes
- Dragonite Gnome
- Dragonite
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