Delves are the main game-mode playable in the Underworld. "Delve" into underground chambers for higher value rewards and new Troops exclusive to the Underworld. Faction Events are run with Delves.
Delves are the primary game mode available in the Underworld, used to increase a Faction's Renown and earn Chaos Shards to open Chaos Portals. You need a Delve Scroll to enter a Delve. Each day you will earn 3 Delve Scrolls total for the Underworld (rather than 3 per Faction). Once a Delve is selected in the Faction's overview menu, and the Difficulty level is selected, the Scroll is used. Standard Difficulty Levels from Explore mode in Krystara do not apply.
To unlock Delves, the Faction's short Questline must be completed.
Collecting Delve Scrolls
Delve Scrolls do not accumulate from day to day. However, if you have started an incomplete Delve over Daily Reset you will be able to continue it the next day. Therefore, if there are two Factions in The Underworld and you have one Delve in progress in both, when Daily Reset occurs you will have 5 Delves: the 3 new Scrolls you earn from daily reset and the 2 you already used and have in progress.
Fight through Delve chambers
Fight your way through Delve Rooms or Chambers of differing difficulty using the same Team against the AI. The first Delve Battle begins in the Common Room (I) against Troops from that Delve's Faction. This Room must be completed before moving onto other Rooms of higher difficulty or Rarity. The end Boss Room and the starting Room feature Troops from that Faction.
Creating a team
The Team you fight with is restricted to two Mana colors specific to that Faction. Any Troops from your collection can be used if at least one of those Mana colors is on their card.
Summoning Troops - "Troops that perish must be left behind"
This means that any Troops that die in a Delve battle cannot be used for the rest of the Delve. However, if a Troop can Summon another Troop (i.e Via a Trait, with their Spell or on death) this new Troop will remain with your Team for each Delve battle until it also dies.
Delve Levels
Before starting a Delve you can select between 3 options of Delve Levels. These increase in difficulty throughout your total gameplay. The first Delve Level starts at 20, and the maximum is 500. Delve Levels that are higher than the current highest level you have cleared will provide a bigger starting Room Treasure Multiplier.
Tip: The first Difficulty option will never be above Delve Level 50.
Delve Room Rarity
Each Room has a team of increasing Difficulty as you progress from left to right on the Delve Chamber map. The set Rarity of each Room is based on the standard Troop Rarity categories which determine the enemy Team's level, and each Room has a certain Type of Troops inside. For example, in the Temple of the Eye Chambers: The Epic Room Dragon Hatchery has a team consisting of Troops with the Troop Type Dragon.
NOTE: Once a Delve Level has been started, the Delve must be lost, won, or you must Run Away to choose a different Level.
Delve Troop Effect
Troops inside Delves have a special Effect which increases in power with higher Rarity Rooms. Once you have defeated a Room, the Effect will be applied to all Enemy Troops in all future Rooms in the current Delve. Some Effects can also apply to your own Hero in certain Rooms. For a list of these, see the community database here.
There are currently 2 categories of Effects:
Effects which give enemies bonus Skill Points
- Example: "All future Enemies gain 8 Life"
Effects which give enemies extra Traits
- Example: "All future Enemies gain Life Drain" Life Drain is a trait which gives the troop 4 Life when an enemy dies.
It's possible to Stun Enemies to temporarily disable Effects, but this only works on Effects which give special Traits. Stunning doesn't work on Effects which give bonus Skill Points.
Note: Effect Traits are the same as normal Traits in all behaviour. Effect Traits are added in addition to each Troops 3 Traits and do not replace the Troop Traits. This means that Delve Troops can have more than 3 Traits.
Earning rewards
Complete as many Rooms as possible to upgrade your Chest Level. Delve Chests rewards can include Chaos Shards, Gold, Souls and Ingots, and higher Chest levels award higher value Rewards and more of them. Completing a higher difficulty or Rarity Room will level up the Chest quickly. To open a Chest, a Delve must be lost, won (defeating the Mythic Room boss), or you must select "Run Away" to exit the Delve with the existing Rewards.
Note: Retreating from a battle always causes the battle to be lost - this means if you retreat a battle in a Delve, the Delve attempt will end.
Room Treasure Multiplier
The Room Treasure Multiplier increases the amount of rewards you receive from Delve Chests. Starting Delve Levels that are higher than the current highest level you have completed will provide a higher starting base to the Treasure Multiplier. Each Room completed adds to the Treasure Multiplier.
The Treasure Multiplier is calculated by adding the total multiplier shown in the Delve Map instead of multiplying the existing number. For example, if the "Room Treasure Multiplier" shows as "x2" then completing a Room with "Treasure - x1.25" will add .25 to the total Room Treasure Multiplier, giving you a Multiplier of x2.25.
x1 = 100% this is the base score, your full reward.
So adding 1.25 is adding 125% or your base multiplier of 100% + 25%
A x2 multiplier is 200% or double your base multiplier (100% + 100% again).
In other words, the first 100% or x1 of your multiplier is equal to your base multiplier so the first x1 or 100% never gets added again, only any points or % past that.
Battle Rewards
Standard Battle rewards such as Gold, Glory, and Souls are given after completing a Delve Room Battle. Additional resources are earned from the Delve as well with the title "Delve Room" - these are normal resources.
For example, "Delve Room Glory" will add to your normal Glory total.
Deep Delves
Deep Delves are a new way to play Delves in unlocked Factions. When an existing Faction has a weekend event, a new Deep Delve Map will be released. This allows Deep Delves to then become available for this Faction.
A Faction must be at Delve level 100 or higher to be able to be upgraded to a Deep Delve.
Deep Delves have a cost of 2 Delve Energy + 10,000 Gold to run.
Deep Delves requires 2 Delve Attempts to play, we have added a new Delve Attempt purchase offer that players can access from the Delve menu. This offer gives 3 Delve Attempts for Gems, starting at 50 Gems. However each time it is purchased per day the Gem cost will increase, and the Gem cost will reset daily.
Deep Delves are an empowered version of a Faction Delve, with a few differences. Deep Delves start at a higher treasure multiplier compared to regular Delves.
Deep Delves guarantee a special new room that only appears in Deep Delves, the Gnome's Treasure Room.
The Gnome Treasure is a special room which will randomly spawn in a Deep Delve (so it can appear in any location except for the Starting Room and Boss Room). This room will spawn a random Gnome that will give loot (like a regular random Gnome spawn in battles). The Gnome is unknown until players enter the battle.
- Use "Summoner" Troops that spawn other Troops into Battle. Unless these Troops die again before the end of the Battle, they will carry onto the next Room
- The Chamber layout in each Faction does not change, however, each Faction has a different layout of Delve Chambers, shown on the Faction's Chamber map.
- The cycle of earning Rewards in the Underworld: Complete a Delves to level up Delve Chest > Open Chests > Collect Chaos Shards > Use Chaos Shards to open Chaos Portals > Portals Give Treasure > Renown > Treasure Upgrades the Treasure Hoard for that Faction allowing you to earn Skill bonuses and resources.
- You can have multiple delves in progress (1 per Faction).
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