The support team discovers that missing resources such as Keys, Gems, and Gold have been spent.
Our team frequently receives tickets requesting help searching for rewards that are missing such as:
- Chest Keys
- Troops
- Gems
- Traitstones
Each time the team receives a ticket like this, we'll check your account logs. These are the logs recorded from your game to our servers. They detail actions, purchases, or choices you have made in the game, and show the number of resources deducted or earned.
Causes of missing rewards
After checking these logs, in 95% of support tickets received about missing rewards, the players contacting had spent the resources. Other missing rewards were caused by rare, large server issues that affected a large number of players - in which case general compensation was sent out - or we had found that some players disenchanted all their Troops!
How can I get help for missing rewards?
Contact support with "Missing Rewards" selected. Before reaching out, make sure to check if you've spent the resource or item - even some Troops can go missing if you use the "Disenchant All" button in the Troops menu!
Please let us know:
- Where you earned the Troop/resource?
- When you earned it (as exact a date as possible)?
- When you last used it?
This will help us look into the issue.
TIP: If you see your Chest keys deduct but the animation slows, you might still have your rewards. Go here for more information.
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