Daily Deals are special offers that are tailored to your account and can be purchased with Gems.
You can find your Daily Deals can be found in the Offers menu on the right side of the world map.
There are 3 types of Daily Deals and you'll receive a new one for each type at daily reset each day.
Each type of Offer can be purchased once per day.
The Gem cost for each Deal will vary for each Deal.
Player Level Offers
The Daily Deal on the far left will contain different items based on your account level.
As you progress through the game you will need different kinds of resources, so these offers are setup to help you collect things you might need at your current level in the game.
Kingdom Offers
The Daily Deal in the middle will contain rewards which will help you complete your Kingdom Power Level Tasks.
If you don't have any eligible Kingdom Power Level Tasks, this Daily Deal will select another Player Level Offer for you instead, so you will always have 3 Offers even if you've reached the maximum Kingdom Power Level in every Kingdom.
VIP Offers
If you are VIP Level 6 or higher you will also be able to purchase the VIP Daily Deal which is the 3rd Offer on the Daily Deal screen.
VIP Offers may contain rarer rewards such as Orbs, or other things at a discount.
If you are below VIP level 6, you will still be able to see this offer but you will not be able to purchase it.
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