PvP Leaderboards
In Gems of War our PvP game mode has two types of leaderboards, Global and League.
The Global Leaderboard displays the names of the top 100 weekly players who are the overall leaders in earning VP (Victory Points) in PvP. A player will be able to view their Global Leaderboard rank at the bottom of the screen for comparison.
PvP Leagues is a weekly leaderboard that all players can compete in to win extra rewards. This is separate from the Global Leaderboard.
There are 10 PvP Leagues: Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Emerald, Sapphire, Amethyst, Topaz, Ruby, and Diamond. Which league a player is first placed in is based upon which “Path” they are on in-game. The breakdown is as follows:
- Players on Adventurer’s Path (Levels 1-100) are placed in the Bronze League.
- Players on Guardian’s Path (Levels 101-250) are placed in the Silver League.
- Players on Champion’s Path (Levels 251-500) are placed in the Gold League.
- Players on Paragon’s Path (Levels 501-1000) are placed in the Platinum League.
- Players on Exalted Path (Levels 1001+) are placed in the Emerald League.
After Emerald League players can work their way and progress to Sapphire, Amethyst, Topaz, Ruby, and Diamond Leagues.
These leagues will be made up of 29 other players that you will compete against, and you progress through the ranks in your bracket by earning weekly VP (Victory Points) from each battle.The aim is to rise up through your bracket to finish the week at the top and earn rewards. If you finish in the top 3 players in your League, you win Gold Marks with a higher amount available to be won in higher level leagues.
It’s important to note that in the event of any tie that happens on a leagues rank, the older player account will win. But this should very rarely happen.
For a player to progress to another league you’ll need to finish the week ranked in your league’s “Promotion Zone”. Each league's “Promotion Zone” does vary in size and does get smaller the higher the league gets.
The “Promotion Zones” for each league are as follows;
- The Bronze League’s “Promotion Zone” is the top 20 Players in a bracket.
- The Silver League’s “Promotion Zone” is the top 15 Players in a bracket.
- The Gold League’s “Promotion Zone” is the top 10 Players in a bracket.
- The Platinum League’s “Promotion Zone” is the top 7 Players in a bracket.
- The Emerald League’s “Promotion Zone” is the top 7 Players in a bracket.
- The Sapphire League’s “Promotion Zone” is the top 7 Players in a bracket.
- The Amethyst League’s “Promotion Zone” is the top 7 Players in a bracket.
- The Topaz League’s “Promotion Zone” is the top 5 Players in a bracket.
- The Ruby League’s “Promotion Zone” is the top 3 Players in a bracket.
Finishing in the promotion zone makes a player go up one league, unless you are in Diamond League which has no promotion zone as it’s the highest league.
Player’s can also drop down to a lower league. This occurs if you finish the week ranked in your leagues “Relegation Zone”. Each league's “Relegation Zone” does vary a small amount in size and does get smaller the lower the league gets.
The “Relegation Zones” for each league are as follows;.
- The Silver League’s “Relegation Zone” is the bottom 5 Players in a bracket.
- The Gold League’s “Relegation Zone” is the bottom 6 Players in a bracket.
- The Platinum League’s “Relegation Zone” is the bottom 7 Players in a bracket.
- The Emerald League’s “Relegation Zone” is the bottom 7 Players in a bracket.
- The Sapphire League’s “Relegation Zone” is the bottom 7 Players in a bracket.
- The Amethyst League’s “Relegation Zone” is the bottom 7 Players in a bracket.
- The Topaz League’s “Relegation Zone” is the bottom 7 Players in a bracket.
- The Ruby League’s “Relegation Zone” is the bottom 7 Players in a bracket.
- The Diamond League’s “Relegation Zone” is the bottom 7 Players in a bracket
Finishing in the demotion zone makes a player drop down one league, unless you are in the Bronze League which has no demotion zone as it’s the lowest league.
If a player doesn't play for the entire weekly event, they will not drop down a league.
At Weekly Reset league brackets are reset and a player will be competing against a new group of 29 other players.
It’s important to note that these groups of players are not symmetrical - just because a player is in your group of 30, does not imply you will automatically be in their group of 30. While we are seeding people into Leagues, in the early days of this system, you may find that some players in your group of 30 are actually in a different League to you - this is expected, and should resolve after some time has passed.
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