Troops and team building
Power up your Troops and general information to improve teams.
- Immortals
- Shiny Troops & Lore
- War Coins and Warbands
- Troop Roles
- Enhancing Troops with Medals
- Team Sharing
- Suggest a Team Menu
- Common Team Builds for Gems of War
- Gems of War Glossary of Terms
- Collect and earn Troops
- Troop menu and Filters overview
- Troop Rarity
- Disenchant Troops
- Upgrade your Troops: Level and Ascension
- How to put your Hero on your team
- Troop Traits
- Team building tips
- Team Score
- Team Banners
- How to increase your Troop and team Skills
- Troop Skills
- How to get a Mythic Troop