Common Problems
Answers to common concerns or strange game behavior in Gems of War.
- Can't complete Campaign Task: Kingdom Team not counting
- Event Badges or Medals aren't applying bonuses
- Missing Event Tokens, Badges or Medals
- Mythic Troop shows as unowned after release
- Missing Troops or resources
- Guild leader is banned
- Earn a new weapon does not complete
- Unlocking Level 100 Portaits with new Factions
- Out of sync error forces the game to restart
- Arena Wins/Losses no longer count to PVP
- Can't complete Kingdom Power Task to collect Troops with Legendary Rarity
- Orc Armor Trait triggers without damage
- Missing weapon after Gem purchase
- Missing weapon after level up
- Can't update Gems of War
- Chat Issues
- Not receiving Extra Turns
- Common (grey) Rarity cards in Guild Chests
- Missing Chest rewards
- Reimbursement for Delve and Guild War Rewards
- There are no quests available in this Kingdom
- Missing Chaos Orbs
- Did not receive rewards or resources
- Troop refunds and balance changes
- Receiving Pet Event Rewards - "The event has ended"
- AI cheating in Gems of War
- Caprinicus Steals attack or gains Magic before dealing damage
- What to do if you're not getting your Armor bonus
- Missing Diamonds or Gems
- Missing guild Gold Contributions